Sunday, November 25, 2007

Christmas Tree

Sorry guys.....we know we've been terrible about the whole blogging thing, but we're on board now. We'll start going out and fabricating pictures of us doing awesome things and telling you about them so that you all think we're a whole lot cooler than we actually are.

Today was Jackie (my soon to be sister-in-law)'s bridal shower so I left Jim to do girly things and I came home to an amazing Christmas tree in my living room. It may not seem like a big deal to most of you, but I am probably the most giddy person during the holidays. I don't know what it is....the nog, the carols, the snow...I just love it. My husband is great and figured that out early in the marriage and made me a very happy girl today. We decided to bless you all with some lovely Roe portraits around the tree. The chubby one is just to give you a sneak peek of what we plan on looking like some day. We're going to grow old and fat together. Fat people have way more fun!!

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!


Anonymous said...

Merry christmas...I am just happy that we have the freedom to celebrate this holiday, thanks JIMBO...on an unrelated note, I think it would be nearly impossible to look as bad as jim does it that last picture...

Anonymous said...

oh bre you are so cute:-) muuuuuah!

Unknown said...

Ah to see all the goings on of your life! We don't get a tree this year...:(...cause we will be gone the month. O well...